Monday, February 6, 2017

Britian, Your Arrogance Astounds

Ok, without a doubt England will end up with egg on their face on this one.

Trump To Be Barred From Speaking In UK Parliament's Westminster Hall For "Racism And Sexism"

"In a striking announcement by John Bercow, the speaker of the British House of Commons, Donald Trump is to be barred from giving a historic address in Westminster Hall, the British Parliament's grandest and most prestigious hall.

Bercow announced he would not give the US President permission to speak in the 11th Century Westminster Hall when he makes a state visit. John Bercow slammed Trump for "racism and sexism", his undermining of judges and his migrant ban. Bercow's intervention is unusual because Speakers are expected to remain above Parliament's partisan fray."

 Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: "Well said John Bercow. We must stand up for our country's values. Trump's State Visit should not go ahead."

Wow. All the sudden Parliament has values? And are they the body that produces values and disseminates those to the people? Or do the people inform their government what those values are?

This is astounding coming from Parliament as the city of London, the corruption capital of the world, continues to loot their own people and the peoples of the world through "financialization".

How many in Parliament are involved in the pedophile ring that is currently being investigated?

When Britain is overrun with Muslims (as London is now lost) and they are pleading for our help to save them from their own liberal ways, we should remember this day.

Let us also remember Britain when we renegotiate trade deals after they depart the EU. Perhaps we should cut them off financially and militarily until they are ready to sit down at "the table". That table of course being right in Westminster!

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