Friday, December 14, 2018

The Coming Gold "Event" Pt 2

Here's the updated title. Wonder not what will happen. Which flavor is all. My gut is telling me that the US is going to payoff ALL dollars with gold and that will be the new gold price.

Total US Gold / number of Fed Reserve Notes = price of gold.

What's that number? $50,000 - $100,000. Will they do that? Maybe they'll settle at $5K or $10K. Better be ready for that or you will miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Perhaps THE last, great opportunity.

Q changing the title to "Gold Standard Coming Back" might as well read, "Soon We Will Be on the Gold Standard".

Now why, oh why, does Trump want a government shutdown? If you adjust your lens of perception ever so slightly you can glimpse this reality. Will the Fed nationalization happen before year end? Well wouldn't that be exciting!

I wish it would all be done and over with so after the chaos I can normalize my life and relationships therewithin.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Coming Gold "Event"

What event? I'm not sure. Is it a new gold standard? Paying the debt off with gold by devaluing the dollar? Will the USA back a new currency with gold or pay interest on Treasuries with gold?

All I know is if you follow Q and believe ANY of it, you had best get you some gold, silver and the mining shares.

Even after these posts by Q the Q followers are focusing on other things like where is Huber? I just don't get it. People are soooooo unwilling to talk about money matters though it's what they want most of!

Here we have Q TELLING us they are going to use gold to take down the Federal Reserve Banking system and who's talking about it? Me.

You better believe if Q is saying this it's coming. And FAST. Maybe before the end of the year.

Notice the title. I'll update it later.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Q - Structure Change Coming Pt 2

Notice the difference? This is deadly serious I believe. Hang on or you may not notice.

How smoothly will they pull this off?

Monday, December 10, 2018

Q - Structure Change Coming

Folks, if you're not following or don't believe the Q biz, I can't help you at this point. Look at this post and really think about it.

I hope you're prepared with silver, gold, bullion and beans. I'm tired of talking about this stuff anymore:

Structure change coming! The silver and gold people have been yelling it for years and now the time has come hardly anyone in the space has any energy left. They're dead, in cryptos or marijuana stocks.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Bush Sr Dead!

Who was Bush Sr? Son of Prescott Bush who helped finance the Nazis and had charges brought up against him? Who? Go do your research. Don't leave out the Franklin Scandal and the Skull and Crossbones.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Who's Got One Of These? Trump Hangs In Every House

Drives my liberal friends nutz. They will come to appreciate Trump.


An amazing man. A short excerpt from an interview back in the day. I chose this version for my Spanish speaking friends though I don't like the title of the vid. Bob says in the video who he made a deal with and there's only one Head Honcho. One Commander of All. And it ain't the Adversary and certainly not the big Demiurge; wherever your studies have taken you. Of course what do I know. Likely nothing.

General Flynn Describes The Creation of Q

How did it happen? Here's how:

Patriots, help Flynn with his legal battle with the Deep State: Give here.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Who Is Q?

The world is about to find out:

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Anti-Semite Or Hired Hand?

In the day and age of Red Pills and False Flags, this should surprise absolutely ZERO persons.

Let's see those White Supremacists at work shall we? And then we'll ban them.

From Zerohedge:

Was Anti-Semitic New York Graffiti Attacker A Liberal-Media-Darling Obama Volunteer?

"But, in an interesting twist, according to Breaking911, surveillance footage released by authorities captured a photo of the suspect, "described as a male Black, approximately 20-years-old, 5’8″, 140 lbs, with black hair and last seen wearing a red suit jacket."


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Radical White Guys In Action

'Nuff said!

Lifecycle Of A Miner - A Reminder

With gold moving today and the world in a complete state of discombobulation, I'd thought I'd repost this chart. But really it's for SunSpun:

If you own mining stocks, ALWAYS know where each miner is on this chart.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

After Megan Kelly Fired, Don Lemon Calls For White Guy Ban

No joke people. Roseanne Barr, Megan Kelly.....well, they are NOT Don Lemon that's for sure.

Monday, October 29, 2018

There WILL Be More Synagogue Shootings - H.R. 1911

Friends, AIPAC just doesn't stop. They don't even realize they are their own worst enemy. I GUARANTEE you that if this bill passes there will be MANY more Bowers out there who will attack synagogues.

This bill is a blatant attempt to attack freedom of speech in America. Freedom of Speech with one exception for the jews is a slippery slope that will be hard to recover from.

HR 1911

Link Here

H.R. 1911 amends the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to mandate that the position of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism shall hold the rank of Ambassador. Specifically, the legislation establishes that the Special Envoy will be nominated by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, report directly to the Secretary of State, not hold any other office, and serve as the primary advisor to, and coordinate the efforts of the United States government to monitor and combat anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries.

The Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism advances U.S. foreign policy on anti-Semitism and develops and implements policies and projects to support efforts to combat anti-Semitism. The Special Envoy accepts information on anti-Semitic incidents including personal and property attacks, government policies, and press and mass media reports. The Special Envoy was established by the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004. The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) produces the State Department's annual reports on Human Rights Practices and International Religious Freedom, and the Special Envoy provides input on anti-Semitism for these reports.

CONgressman who pass bills that subvert the US Constitution should be handled with FURY!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Israel Is Our Ally?

Someday America has got to stand by SOME KIND of principles!!!!

So Honduras is a puppet state of Israel and they are trying to undermine our sovereignty. Got that America? Perhaps the USA needs to make Mexico and ALL of Central America territories of the USA?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Migrant "Caravan" - Is Israel Involved?

This is disturbing. Is Israel (AIPAC) and the Democratic party working together to hasten the Kalergi plan and the overthrow of the sovereign United States?

Read more about the Kalergi plan HERE

Nationalism Is Back

A message to my European cousins; "Hang in there, we're coming. Gotta get through this re-org!"

Trump declares he's a nationalist and that it's "Ok to be nationalist. I'm a nationalist."


Monday, October 22, 2018

Silver Jumps Over $16, Falls Back

Update: I can find NO ONE talking about this. I guess I imagined it.

Am I the only seeing this so far? The last time we had a >$1.00 move in the market was in 2011 when the price ran to $49.

Could we be ready to embark on another such Odyssey?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Feinstein, Schumer, Reality.

Folks how do you know how serious this is? Easy. You look at those around you laughing in delight at your downfall.

What more needs to be said?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Update on Bitchute

Ok two things:

1) Subscribe to this guy on Bitchute:

2) Here's an update on Infowars Bitchute subs:

That's over 20,000 now from just over 7,000 prior. Censorship success?

Friday, August 10, 2018

Tech Tryanny Jones Subscriber Update

Here's the latest tally of the fascist driven, tech-ologopoly (just made that up) rocket ride for Alex Jones on Bitchute:

11,000 subscribers since Monday is pretty damn good for Bitchute.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Alex Jones Subscriber Update on Bitchute

Ok so some numbers are in.

In about two days Jones picked up over 11,000 subs on Bitchute. Congrats to all the censors out there. May you be remembered forever.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Support Bitchute - Be A Patriot - Wherever You Are

It really doesn't matter where in the world you are, if you support free speech and are not down with Globalism, you really need to support Bitchute.

I for my part am done for an indefinite period of time with Youtube. I've not used FB in many years and I will not support Twitter either. Everyone says they want a different world well now is your chance to act.

Got $5?

Go to Bitchute's funding page and help out:

Monday, August 6, 2018

Boycott Youtube Update

Let's keep an eye on this. Ytube and other commies WILL pay a price for this no matter how long it takes.

Go and subscribe to support free speech even if you don't like Alex.

Infowars Terminated. Time to Boycott Youtube

The infamous ADL primarily run by jewish interests and lawyers has had Alex Jones Infowars shut down.

Time to boycott (((You)))Tube until this changes. Have some principle people. Everyone I know claims to be christian or moralistic somehow but they use Facebook, Twitter, Jutube, JPM as a's a long list of servitude to those who would oppress you.

Get a spine!!!!!!

Until THIS (see below) changes, I'm done with them:

 I guess I also have to buy my own domain as well and rebrand myself and stop using Google to remain consistent. Tyranny has a price Google.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Are Only Whites Racists?

I'm not sure about that but while we think on it, let's consider this (an employee of the NYT):

Not helpful Sarah. But I'm sure you'll be remembered for the "context" of the situation. Good luck down the road when this bites you in the ass. And liberal, tolerant, lefties, don't forget to update your subs to the NYT while you figure out ways to justify racism while claiming only whites can be racist.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Who Are the Proud Boys?

Get to know these fine lads!!

Part 1:

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Tolerant Liberal Steals MAGA Hat From Kid, Assaults Him

So here's another "tolerant liberal" who is likely going to get a visit from the police soon and likely a court appearance.

Khino, a member of the Green Party of Texas, has been fired from his job and how will suffer the consequences of his actions.

The Green Party of Texas is producing some fine activists eh?

Who is the Green Party? Let's look at their "Ten Key Values":

Green Party Ten Key Values

Ecological Wisdom (HOLY FAIL)
We recognize that the Earth sustains all life processes. Green ecology moves beyond environmentalism by understanding the common roots of the abuse of nature, the abuse of animals, and the abuse of people. Whatever we do to the web of life, we do to ourselves.

Social Justice (FAIL) 
We want to replace the worldwide system of poverty and injustice with a world free of all oppression based on class, sex, race, citizenship, age, or sexual orientation.

Grassroots Democracy (FAIL)
We believe in direct participation by all people in the environmental, political, and economic decisions that affect their lives.

Nonviolence (FAIL)
We reject violence as a way of settling disputes -- it is shortsighted, morally wrong, and ultimately self-defeating. We work to create a world where war is obsolete.

Decentralization (FAIL) 
Power and responsibility must be restored to local communities within an overall framework of ecologically sound and socially just values and lifestyles. (Whose values?)

Community-based Economics(FAIL, attacking people in the community, in a business?)
We seek a new economics based upon the natural limits of the Earth which meets the basic needs of everyone on the planet under democratic, localized community control.

The Green movement is profoundly inspired by feminist values. The ethics of cooperation and understanding must replace the values of domination and control over others.

Respect for Diversity (FAIL) 
We honor the biological diversity of the Earth and the cultural, racial, sexual and spiritual diversity of the Earth's people. We aim to reclaim this country's finest ideals: popular democracy, the dignity of the individual, and liberty and justice for all. 

Personal and Global Responsibility (FAIL, living lightly by stealing from others)
We are committed to global sustainability and international justice through political solidarity. We strive to create personal lifestyles based upon sufficiency and living lightly. 

Future Focus (You don't want to go the way of the Iroquois) 
Like the Iroquois, we seek a society where the interests of the seventh generation yet to come (wtf?) are considered equal to the interests of the present generation. We must reclaim the future for ourselves and for our children.

By the way, a motto of a group who is interested in the continuance of the white race who of course are labeled racist for such a belief is: 

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." One is fine but the other is racist and white supremacist. Understand people?

They have already taken down their public email address as I am sure you can understand.

Follow the Youtube link for Khino's home address. In case they take it down here it is:

Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez 13722 Sunny Glen San Antonio, TX 78217

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Democrats, Racism and Slavery

Who would have guessed? Basically if you're Democrat you may as well be an illiterate tyrant.