Monday, January 28, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Question Not Heard Around The World

How in ALL the hell did CHEECH get involved in the case of the Stolen Valor by Nathan Philips as he aggressed upon a group of innocent kids for his political panderings?

The Bling this guy wears is very "native american"

Even in this picture you can't see the "Smirk heard around the world".

This event has defined so many people and not what they believe.....but how they process information. But even so the conclusions they come to are so disturbing you can only conclude one thing.

Earth. Hmph. Not impressed.Stolen valor, waste and squalor. In an infinite universe. Don't listen to me, I'm a blockhead. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

What Smirk

The lack of "Smirk" on this kids face clearly says one thing, "I am a racist and want you and all your people dead. Can't you see it in my face? I'm a serious, serious man. By the time I was 30..." Oh wait wrong guy. This is the "Sand Man" not General Custer. If you fell for this story you need to get your head examined. I mean it. You are processing information in a way that ignores facts and relies on your emotion; the liberal way. I'm being serious, if you believed this you need to examine WHO you think you are.
Smirk Not Seen Around the World

Nathan Phillips Native American Broke Out of Prison

This guy isn't who you think he is:

Nathan Philips: "When I moved left, he moved left. When I moved right he moved right. It was clear he wasn't going to let me pass."

The Smirk No One Can Tolerate (In his mind, "please help me").

From the NY Post:

"When he was a teen and in his early 20s, Phillips was charged with escaping, assault and various alcohol-related crimes, according to the Washington Examiner, which cited news reports from his hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska.
He was charged as a 19-year-old “with escaping from the Nebraska Penal Complex where he was confined May 3,” according to a 1974 article in the Lincoln Star.
Later that year, Phillips pleaded guilty to assault and was fined $200. He also was charged with underage possession of alcohol in 1972, 1973 and 1975, as well as negligent driving, the Examiner reported.
In August 1973, a charge of destruction of property against him was dropped, but he was sentenced to a year of probation for a related charge of alcohol possession by a minor.
In December 1978, Phillips was charged with driving without a license.
Phillips also apparently misrepresented his service in the US Marines, according to the report.
In April, Vogue quoted him as saying: “You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role.”
That's just the '70's!!!!!!! You've all been duped and you are idiots for it.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Civil War in America

For the longest time I hoped and really thought we would avoid civil war in America. Especially after Trump got elected. Yeah a lot of people were mad but I thought it would simmer down.

After personal events this past year and public events over this past weekend, AND listening to the video below, I am starting to think it IS unavoidable.

I am so tired of the liberal mind I literally just get mad even thinking about entertaining a conversation with them. They cannot be reasoned with. Believe me I've tried but when someone holds me accountable for things Trump personally says two years after his election I'm done trying.

I am going to live my life as if we are heading into a civil war. My main goal is to get the hell out of America, the land of bread and circus's, before the shit hits the fan. Am I running from a fight? Am I not a patriot? I can be a patriot wherever I am but America is RIDDLED with corruption and fraud and evil and ignorance. There's hope and a small movement in Q but the damage is done and the people are so far behind the 8 ball having made absolute fools of themselves over the years with their assumptions about life and their mortgages and boats and vacations. Who's the patriot? I've been fighting this fight for years and what do I end up with?

I'm the angry one. I'm the racist. I'm the bigot, homophobe, anti-semite (I fucking hate Zionists). So what am I left with? FUCKOFF that's what I'm left with.

Watch this video. Choose your team. Maybe get your head out of your ass?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Why Liberals Truly Went Nuts Over Covington High school Students

This video pretty much sums up why the liberals lost their shit about "the smirk heard around the world". Goodbye liberal world order; you push too far.

Covington Catholic, Liberals and Hypocrites

The Covington Catholic School MAGA hat outrage is officially out of control. Lawsuits are flying. Careers are ending. Police investigations started. A nation gone insane.

I'm going to post a series of tweets here that I want captured for all time to demonstrate to the world the ridiculous mind of the liberal.

Not long ago I was told that I'm an angry man by a liberal. You read through these tweets and WONDER NOT why I am pissed. Downplaying this behavior is what liberals do and I will NOT be talked down to, told my head is too thick to "understand" and told that I'm angry when liberals let this shit slide, say nothing, act as if it's not going on in the broader society and then hold you to account for all your failings as a man. FUCKTHAT!

TAKE YOUR COWARD ASSES AND JUMP OFF A BUILDING! Leave me alone. I need no one in my life before I need a liberal in my life.

Fired! Congratulations!
Doubling down on stupid?

Best post?

Go to Hell, Boy.

Islam is a religion of peace.

I know there's an active investigation on this guy. Who has kids. Unbelievable.
Best Pals. Patriots are Nazis. See how they do that?
Is he still funny? Baby snakes?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The "Brave" War Veteran Is No Veteran At All! Disgrace!

How gullible is the left? How loonie are liberals? How great is the hatred for Trump because of things people say on TV that people are willing to abandon all reason and jump right off the cliff with all the other sheep?

This shit is driving me out of my mind. I get judged all the time by liberals for god you can't even imagine and get held to such a high standard but yet this shit flies? I get called to account for certain things but this guy is a hero?


I'm done with that. You're hearing it here. The liberal world order can die in flames or I will die fighting it. So be it.

"The Washington Post has issued a major correction to its story detailing the heavily reported back-and-forth between Native American leftist activist Nathan Phillips and the Catholic school teenagers he approached in Washington, D.C., over the weekend.

Countless legacy media outlets and media personalities have described Phillips as a “Vietnam War veteran” or a variation of the phrase to describe a veteran who fought in the Vietnam War. We now know Phillips served in the military but not on a foreign battlefield."

In my younger days I used to go from college to the local bar and shoot pool. Loved it. One night a guy is at the corner of the bar belly aching about Vietnam and woe is me and all this. Several guys, much older than me, were sitting around listening to him and sympathizing and other such ridiculous behaviors from men who didn't know they were being bull-shitted. I knew. My gut told me. I don't know why I just knew he was lying.

To the amazement of all at the corner of the bar I called bullshit. "Bullshit", I said. "You weren't in Nam." "Yes I was!" he exclaimed. This went on for not very long at all when he caved. He admitted he was never in Nam and he regretted it because his brother in law died there. His brother in law was drafted and he was one year too young to go.

When he told us the motivation for his lie, everyone of us had pity on him for not having died in Nam. Only as men drinking would do. We closed the bar, went to his house and drank further. He turned out to be a fine Irishman, if not a bullshitter but that comes with the territory and he gave me a hat. A nice, tweed, flat-cap style hat.

Moral of the story? I know a bullshitter when I see one and I don't like 'em.

Not So "Brave" Native-American

Nathan Phillips behavior will probably not have the effect he had hoped for in improving the image of the "Native" American in America. Btw, "Native" Americans are actually native to the Eastern Russia area but whatever.

The whole story is indicative of how liberals work: facts not needed. Narrative sufficient. I'm so done with that kind of thinking. I will not allow it in my life any further. Causes me to be angry.

Congratulations Nathan Phillips for kicking the whole TRIBE in the teeth.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Grow A Beard - Boycott Gillette - P&G

Enough is enough. The list is getting longer and longer. This stuff just pisses people off. Then they have the nerve to call you out for being pissed off. The liberal mind is sick. Literally, they know not what they do. But some do........